full houses

美 [fʊl ˈhaʊzɪz]英 [fʊl ˈhaʊzɪz]
  • n.(剧院、电影院等)满座,客满;满堂红(扑克牌游戏中三张点数相同,另两张点数相同的一手牌)
  • full house的复数
full housesfull houses

full houses


  • 1
    N-COUNT (剧院的)满座,爆满
    If a theatre has a full house for a particular performance, it has as large an audience as it can hold.

    ...playing to a full house.


  1. North-west opera played to full houses every night .


  2. The five women are the focus of Amber Fare 's feature-length documentary , Speed Sisters , which recently played to full houses at an international documentary festival in Sheffield .


  3. Else said that the area is " full of similar houses . There 's lots of vacancy . "


  4. From Much Wenlock , a pretty town full of pricey houses , came a plea not to be lumped in with grittier Telford .


  5. Whether you 're walking down streets full of colorful houses , holding your nose at the fish market , or trekking out into the gorgeous mountains that surround the city , you 're sure to become just as bewitched by the place as the Vikings were when they first encountered it 2000 years ago .


  6. Glittering and translucent transparent snowflakes dancing in the sky , the streets spread full of snow , houses full of snow fell .
